영어 2주 강의자료
지난 주에 커뮤니케이션 영어 강의의 개요를 소개하면서
간략히 제1장의 강의 목표와 내용의 일부를 살펴보았습니다.
그것을 간략히 다시 요약하면
1. 이번 장의 학습을 마치게 되면 광고의 정의를 알게 될 것이고
2. 광고(Advertising)와 홍보(PR)을 구분할 수 있을 것이며
3. 경쟁(competition)이 제품의 개선에 어떤 역할을 하는지를 알고
4. 여러분이 보는 광고물(advertisement)의 목적이 무엇인지 배우고
5. 광고의 성장을 가져온 요인들이 무엇인지를 말할 수 있으며
6. 광고에 대한 규제의 유형에 대해 토론할 수 있을 것입니다.
그리고 광고의 역사적 배경(historical background)의 일부분을
배웠습니다. 이어서 광고의 역사적 배경의 나머지 부분을 살펴
Historical background
Most of the signs were symbolic. A goat was the sign of a dairy in
Rome. A boy being whipped was the sign for a school. A mule driving
a mill meant a bakery. In medieval England, a coat of arms designated
an inn. A sign of three nuns embroidering meant a draper's. A gilt arm
wielding a hammer signified a goldbeater. Pigeons and scepter meant a
Advertising as a means of calling attention to goods and services
continued to grow with the introduction of printing and newspapers.
The first American newspaper to carry advertisements,
Newsletter, appeared in 1704.
That first advertisement offered a reward for the capture of a thief. The
colonies had over thirty newspapers by 1776. The most rapid growth in
advertising volume occurred immediately after World War II.
In 1946, the yearly expenditure on advertising was $3.4 billion; by 1955,
$9 billion; by 1990, more than $128 billion; and in 2000, over $240 billion.
It is estimated that by 2020 more than $200 billion will be spent on
advertising each year.
Growth Factors (성장요인)
Some of the factors that stimulated the tremendous growth of advertising
during the past century were these: (tremendous: 막대한: huge)
(1) Technological developments (radio, television) made improvements in
our production, distribution, and communications systems.
tele는 멀리 떨어진(distance)의 의미, our: 우리가 살고 있는 시대(현대)
(2) Purchasing power was more evenly distributed as the middle class
grew and became the center of the advertiser's audience. (Purchasing:
buying 구매, evenly: 골고루, 고르게
(3) The growth of transportation from wagons to railroads to airways
allowed goods to be transported more easily and less expensively. With
the mass circulation of newspapers and magazines, business people could
advertise their messages on a national or regional basis. (allow
(something) to ~ 이 ~하도록 허용하다)
(4) A population with an increasing income presented an attractive
market for the advertiser.
* market 과 marketplace 의 비교; 앞은 소비자 시장, 뒤는 시장(장소)
(5) As the population became better educated, it demanded a higher
standard of living. (비교급(er)~ 비교급(er)~: ~하면 할수록 더욱 더
(6) The decline of personal selling opened the door for advertising to do
many kinds of selling cheaply and more efficiently, for example, through
direct mail or TV and radio commercials. (부사(ly)는 동사(do)를 꾸밈)
(7) Large-scale industry and less direct contact between manufacturer
and consumer created a need for communication between business people
and the consumer. *large-scale:대규모 manufacturer:제조업자, 생산자
These factors led to the growth of advertising during the twenties
century. They suggest a bright and exciting future for advertising. *
lead to: ~로 이끌다
As direct contact between manufacturer and the individual consumer
becomes more and more impractical, advertising fills the void.
Advertising informs consumers of new goods and services that make
their lives easier. * impractical: 비 현실적인(비 실무적인)
Advertising also informs consumers of the most recent advancements and
developments in products that affect their lives. * 최상급 앞에는 항상
the가 붙는다
Advertising and the Economic System (광고와 경제체제)
*Think of the word
advertising. What comes to mind? TV and radio
commercials? Magazine ads? Newspaper ads? Billboards? Outdoor signs?
Yellow Pages? Retail store displays?
* 동사가 문장 앞에 나오면 청유형, 혹은 명령형 임 (~해보자, ~해보라)
come to(occur to; come into; come across)mind: 마음에 떠오르다.
Billboard: 게시판 , outdoor sign: 옥외광고판
Yellow Pages: 전화번호부 광고
retail store displays: 소매점 광고
In the United States, (where business is largely privately owned),
consumer demand determines what is produced.
American business tries to produce goods and services that the consumer
wants – at a competitive price.
largely: 주로 (mainly, primarily, mostly, chiefly, principally)
try to: 하려고 시도하다 (make effort to, seek to)
at a competitive price: 경쟁력 있는 가격으로
Advertising is a form of selling. American business seeks to influence
the consumer to buy particular goods through advertising and other sales
promotion devices. The goods and services that are available may appeal
to the public. Unless the public is made aware of them and persuaded to
try them, however, the goods and services will remain unsold.
a form of: 일종의(a kind of; a type of); seek to= try to
device: 장치, 수단;
unless: 만일 ~이 아니라면(if ~ not);
be aware of:~을 알다.
The student of advertising must always predict the sales success of a
product by the quality of advertising and the worth of the product itself.
A poor product, in spite of excellent advertising, simply will not last in
the competitive marketplace. Advertising has grown and will continue to
grow because of the constant need to sell goods and services to the
American public.
poor: 질이 낮은(low quality; inferior; unsatisfactory)
in spite of: ~임에도 불구하고 (despite에는 of가 없음)
우리말 속담의 영어표현
가시 없는 장미는 없다.
Every rose has its thorn.
No rose without a thorn.
고난 없이 영광도 없다.
No cross, no crown. Nothing venture, nothing have.
No reward without toil.
No pains, no gains. No sweat, no sweet.
고생 끝에 낙이 온다.
Every cloud has a silver lining. 은빛 테두리(밝은 면)
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining.
Definition of Advertising (광고의 정의)
Think* of the advertising that is done by business people in your
community. Supermarket owners advertise extensively to inform
consumers of their low prices and specials for the week. Other retail
stores advertise their store hours, location, special sales, or items just
received. Service businesses, such as plumbing or appliance repair, may
advertise the services they offer.
* 동사가 문장의 맨 앞에 위치하면 청유, 명령(~ 해보자, ~하라)
inform~ of~:~에게 ~을 알리다. Plumbing: 배관공사
(home, office, medical) appliance(가정,사무,의료)기기
Advertising is often defined as
any paid form of non-personal
communication of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.
When you read an advertisement for a product, service, or idea, the
sponsor of the ad is trying to persuade you to want or like their product,
idea, or service. The advertiser, or sponsor, of the ad pays for the cost
of the ad preparation and for the actual placement of the ad in an
acceptable form of media.
paid form: 유료의 형태; non-personal: 비 대인적인
identified : 밝혀진(이름이 알려진), placement : 배치, 게재
Advertising differs from
public relations or information messages
public relations(P R) messages involve no payment. Public
relations messages merely encourage general goodwill toward the
firm, product, or industry. Public relations messages are often
educational. They try to introduce the public to important goals or
points about a firm, product, or industry.
differs from: ~와 다르다; PRs(단수): 공중관계, 홍보
encourage: 격려하다, 북돋다; goodwill: 호의, 선의
People (
) involved in public relations are responsible for
developing and maintaining a desirable
image of business in the
community. Even though the two are different, both advertising and
public relations are part of the overall sales promotion activity of a
business enterprise.
): who are 가 생략됨 (PR에 관련된 사람들은);
are responsible for : ~에 책임이 있다
enterprise:기업, 산업
영어의 바른 표현 2
Improvement through Competition (경쟁을 통한 개선)
In objecting to some features of advertising, some critics say that
advertising points out minute differences between products. This is often
true. A manufacturer must constantly create “new” and different features
in the product in order to compete with other manufacturers making the
same type of product. This process leads to continual improvement in
우리말 어휘
잘못된 표현 (X)
올바른 표현 (O)
cut-off line/point
go/come on/cheer up
warrantee service
A/S 센터
A/S center
repair shop
ero movie
soft porn
the product.
in objecting to: ~에 반대하여
point out: 지적하다
manufacturer: 제조업자
in order to: ~하기 위하여
For example, a shoe company comes out with a new shoe for men that
is better quality, lighter weight, and constructed for long-distance
running. Another shoe company, in order to compete, introduces a shoe
that not only is lightweight and made for long-distance running, but also
comes in both men’s and women’s sizes and seven different colors.
come out with: ~을 시장에 내 놓다.
not only A but also B: A뿐만 아니라 B도 역시
come in: 생산을 시작하다, 가담하다.
After years of improvement the product will not only be superior but also
quite different from the original product. In the American economic
system, few products and services can escape the pressure of steady
competition. The goal of the American business person is to produce
products and services that are large in quantity, high in quality, and
reasonable in price in order to meet consumer demand.
different from: ~와 다르다 few:거의 없다(a가 없으면 부정)
meet: 충족시키다 (satisfy)
Business people must sell their products in order to make a profit. And
in order to sell the product, the business person must inform the
consumer of the availability of the product. This is where advertising
comes in. The business person uses advertising to communicate with the
* make a profit: 이윤을 얻다.
inform 사람 of ~: 사람에게 ~을 알리다.
availability: 유용성; 이용도,
comes in: 생기다, 나오다
This is where advertising comes in. 이것이 광고가 생기게 된
Business and advertising serve each other. Advertising tells the
consumer what products have been produced or improved upon and are
available for purchase. The product-oriented businesses in this country
provide the advertising industry with the job of communicating with the
* serve: 도움을 주다. product-oriented: 생산지향적인
provide~ with ~: ~에 ~을 제공하다.
쉬어가기 코너>
웃음의 종류 (유머)
1. 요리사의 웃음소리 영어로 무엇일까?
2. 남자가 좋아하는 웃음소리는?
3. 여자가 좋아하는 웃음소리는?
4. 바람둥이 남자의 웃음소리는?
5. 살인마의 웃음소리는?
6. 격투기 선수의 웃음소리는?
7. 보초병의 웃음소리는?
1. 쿡 쿡 쿡 (Cook cook cook)
2. 허 허 허 (Her her her)
3. 히 히 히 (He he he)
4. 껄 껄 껄 (Girl girl girl)
5. 킬 킬 킬 (Kill kill kill)
6. 킥 킥 킥 (Kick kick kick)
7. 후 후 후 (Who who who)
영어의 바른표현 3
우리말 어휘
잘못된 표현 (X)
올바른 표현 (O)
physical affection
white shirt
자동차 경적
Kraxon (상표명)
slow dancing
overeat (과식)