PDF문서[붙임] 1. duo-sweden 2024 general deion.pdf


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1. General Description 

DUO-Sweden Fellowship Program was established in 2010 with the aim of 
promoting exchanges of people between Sweden and Asian countries* on a 
balanced basis. In this respect, DUO-Sweden requires that a PAIR (two persons) of 
students be exchanged in an academic cooperative arrangement.   
*21 Asian countries: including Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Myanmar, 
Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, 
Mongolia, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Thailand and 
Definitions of students are as below: 

  Students: undergraduate and graduate students who are currently enrolled 

in universities 

1.1 Eligibility 
Due to this unique nature of this program, in order to be eligible, the following are 

Your exchange fulfills all three requirements below: 
  An educational institution in Sweden (home institution) and an educational 

institution in Asia (host institution) have established an academic 
cooperative agreement/inter-institutional agreement; and 

  The Swedish home institution has selected an EU national student enrolled 

at the home institution to send to the Asian host institution, and such 
selection has been accepted by the Asian host institution; and 

  The  same Asian host institution has selected an Asian student enrolled at 

the host institution to send to the  Swedish home institution, and such 
selection has been accepted by the same Swedish home institution. 

1.2 The Duration and the Amount of the DUO-Sweden Fellowships 
DUO-Sweden 2024/25 is for exchange projects, which will start from August 2024 
and end before September 2025 to avoid duplication of implementation period of 
exchange projects selected by DUO-Sweden in the ensuing years. The selection of 
DUO-Sweden 2024/25 is made ONLY once a year. In this respect, those who are 
planning to exchange in Spring Semester of 2025 (January-August 2025) shall 

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apply for DUO-Sweden 2024/25. 
The duration of fellowship is limited to one semester (or 4 months, whichever 
comes earlier). The amount of the fellowships is standardized as follows: 

  3,500 Euros for Asian student and 3,500 Euros for Swedish students 

in a pair, in high income country. For Middle and Low income 
countries the Asian student get 4,000 Euros and the Swedish 
student get 3,000 Euros. 

The duration of exchange should be at least one semester and the scholarship is 
only available for those studying fulltime (minimum 24 ECTS/16 weeks). 
Exchange of less than one semester is NOT allowed. If a semester is longer than 4 
months in the visiting institution, fellowship will be given for 4 months.   
(A definition of fulltime study in Sweden is 30 ECTS credits per semester
which is in general 20 weeks.) 
In the event that a student exchange lasts for a fewer number of weeks than 
granted, then the scholarship will be adjusted on a pro-rata basis and repayment of 
the funds provided will be required. 
2. Application and Selection Procedure 

2.1 Who Applies? 
The educational institution in Sweden applies on behalf of both institutions and 
people who are to participate in the exchange. Asian institutions in partnership with 
Sweden institutions shall cooperate fully with Swedish institutions in supplying 
precise information of Asian applicants. Individuals wishing to take part in 
exchanges are advised to contact the relevant offices (e.g. International Relations 
Offices) of the educational institutions to file an application for this program. 
2.2 Application Period 
Applications will be accepted from April 08 through May 21, 2024 local Swedish 
time. Applications sent after May 21, 2024 GMT+1 will not be accepted. 
2.3 Application Material for Submission 
1. Filling out an Online Application Form ONLY  

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2. A Copy of Cooperation Agreement (or Memorandum of Understanding for 
cooperation) between paired institutions OR declaration of intention to set up new 
cooperation agreement, signed by Head of Swedish Higher Education Institution
3. A copy of passport of paired applicants   
4. A copy of transcript of paired applicants (should include the grades up to the 
most recent semester)   
2.4. Application Submission   
An Online application form for DUO-Sweden can be found on the ASEM-DUO 
website at www.asemduo.org   

1.  Enter your ID and password on the LOGIN page to fill out an online 


2.  Home institution should fill out the whole application including the 

information of Host Institution. Application Form in PDF format can be 
downloaded from the ASEM-DUO website (www.asemduo.org) at the banner 
of Forms. 

3.  The rest of the documents (cooperation agreement, passport copy, and 

transcript) can be uploaded in the last step of the application process. 

4.  Once completed, please make it sure to submit your application by clicking 

“submit” button. Home Institution should get a confirmation email from 
the secretariat within 3 days after completion of submission. If you don’t 
get a confirmation email, please contact admin2@asemduo.org promptly.   

Click JOIN US button to get an ID. If you don’t find the name of your institution, 

please contact the secretariat to add your institution to the list. 

2.5 How and When is Selection Made 
A Swedish Selection Committee, organized by the Swedish Council for Higher 
Education (UHR), will make the selection after the application deadline. The 
decision will be announced in June 2024. Selection criteria are at the discretion of 
the Swedish Selection Committee. 
The notification will be displayed on website, www.asemduo.org and the Secretariat 
will directly notify Contact Persons/Awardees in writing. Hard copies of notification 
and Letter of Acceptance (forms are also available at www.asemduo.org) will be 
forwarded to both home and host institutions. Contact Persons/Awardees may 
download forms of Letter of Acceptance, if they so wish. 

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2.6 Fellowship Grants 
The DUO-Sweden Fellowship will be paid directly by the Secretariat to the bank 
accounts of selected students who participate in the exchange program. There are 
no restrictions in using the fellowship. It can finance the tuition, and living or travel 
3. Instruction for Application Form 

3.1 Language of Application 
You should write your application in English
3.2 How to write the Application Form 
STEP 1 – Home Institution 
The first box of ID number and Date of submission will be given after submission. 
The home institution shall be resided in Sweden.   

  Address means a full detailed one which is not only for domestic post but 

also for overseas post. Do not write the post-office box number and City 
 must be written. 

Period Application 








May - June 





Result & Announcement 

The ASEM-DUO Secretariat 

Selection Committee organized by Swedish UHR 


1. Application 
2. Cooperation agreement   
3. Copies of passport 
4. Copies of transcript 

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  CONTACT PERSON  means a regular staff of Swedish institution which 

arranges exchange project and is willing to communicate with the 
Secretariat in such events as verifying application details, monitoring 
exchanges and providing further information on the status of the exchange. 

  PERSON OF EXCHANGE shall be any Swedish (or EU national) student who 

will participate in the exchange. 

  ECTS  means a whole ECTS that a Swedish student has earned up to the 

most recent semester since he/she entered the Swedish institution. Please 
write the total earned ECTS as shown on the transcript.   

  Grade means currently enrolled academic year as of the spring semester of 

2024. Master course student must click Graduate under numbers. 

N.B.:  For  each  pair  of  an  exchange,  the exchange period of Swedish and Asian 
students need not necessarily coincide, and the field of exchange need not be the 
STEP 2 – Host Institution 
In this step, provide information of host institution involved in the exchange project. 
The host institution shall be resided in 21 Asian countries. 

  Address means a full detailed one which is not only for domestic post but 

also for overseas post. Do not write the post-office box number and City 
 must be written. 

  CONTACT PERSON means a regular staff of Asian institution which 

arranges the exchange and is willing to communicate with the Secretariat in 
such events as verifying application details, monitoring exchanges and 
providing further information on the status of the exchange. 

  PERSON OF EXCHANGE shall be Asian student who will participate in the 


  ECTS  means converted ECTS with the conversion rate of applicant’s 

institution. You may check it with the contact person of your institution.   
*Please convert the Asian student’s total completed credit into ECTS. 
If 1 credit is equal to 1.5 ECTS at your institution, 30 credits will 
be converted to 45 ECTS.

  Grade means currently enrolled academic year as of the spring semester of 

2024. Master course student must click Graduate under numbers. 

  Confirmation on Agreement with Host Institution (TO BE SIGNED BY 

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CONTACT PERSON at the Swedish Home Institution): since the contact 
person in Swedish institution is required to complete the application on 
behalf of two people who will participate in the exchange and the host Asian 
institution, he/she should confirm here by checking on “YES” that the 
contact person in the host institution also agrees with this submission of the 

STEP 3 – Description of Exchange Program 
In this section, please describe the type, duration and purpose of exchange as 
instructed on the form. 

  Type of exchange: please check appropriate boxes to specify whether 

students for exchange are in undergraduate or in graduate study. 

  Duration of Exchange: As stipulated on the DUO-Sweden General 

Description, duration of DUO-Sweden Fellowship is standardized on a 
semester-basis. For students, 1 semester means 4 months. 

  Purpose of Exchange: Please specify what the purpose of the exchange is. 

Also fill in how many credits (ECTS) that will be recognized by home or host 

N.B.:  For  each  pair  of  an  exchange,  if the pair applies for Transfer for 
Credits, both students have to transfer their exchange credits to their 
originating institution after their exchange. If any of them will not transfer 
their exchange credits, those pair also needs to click for others and specify 
in detail. 


STEP 4 – Exchange Details 

  Under this heading, Swedish and Asian students’ class schedules should be 

listed during their exchange periods. Details shall be elaborated as they will 
determine selection of application. Also intensive language course is not 
honored in this program. 

N.B.: If the actual courses on the course certificate differ from courses 
listed on the application, Awardees or Contact Persons are responsible to 
inform the Secretariat for approval as soon as possible. If this procedure is 
not taken beforehand, fellowship award to both awardees is subject to 
cancellation and consequently refund. Forms can be downloaded from our 
website, www.asemduo.org. 


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  Confirmation and recognition of the study period abroad TO BE SIGNED BY 

CONTACT PERSON at the Swedish Home Institution (see information 

STEP 5 – Certification of Authenticity 
After completing all relevant items in appropriate manner on the entire field of 
application, please write the date and the names of contact person of Home 
institution and the President or Director of institution in the section of Certification 
of Authenticity.   
A Copy of Cooperation Agreement (valid one), the copies of passport and 
transcript of paired applicants should be attached.
 The preferred file formats 
for attachments are .jpg or .pdf. 
Submit the form to the Secretariat by clicking “submit” button. The original 
printed version with the signatures/official stamps will be requested if your project 
has been selected. 
3.3 After the submission: acknowledgement 
The acknowledgement on the receipt of submission will be sent to the contact 
person in Swedish home institution by e-mail within 3 days after submission. If 
there is any application with incomplete or improper information, further 
information will be individually requested by the Secretariat.