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Department of Composition

Department of Composition

Capture all the music in the world

  • Music Building (F) #115
  • 042-829-7920
  • 042-829-7919
Department of Applied Music Introduction image

Department of

Introduction of Department

The composition major aims to foster composers, music theorists, and creative music talents who play a pivotal role in the development of culture and art in our society. Through a specialized and subdivided major practical program, the spectrum is expanded to a wider range of performing arts, from classical music that establishes the basics of music to movies, video music, popular music, and Korean music. We aim to cope with the composition education curriculum.

Educational Goal

We foster musicians with professioanl skill based on the performance of each individual, and actively create and perform popular music self-made songs and express their intentions in performanc.


Ist Grade

Through theoretical lessons that systematically study the fundamental principles of music, the foundation as a composer is solidified.

2nd Grade

Develop musical knowledge and intrinsic literacy through majors and liberal arIn addition to the advanced theoretical classes, students practice various musical instruments and practice hands-on classes, and learn the process of performing the completed work on the stage by working with the performers.

3rd Grade

It expands the spectrum of creation through subjects that practically apply the theory of music and majors in studying various styles of music such as popular music, video music, and Korean music.

4th Grade

While studying subjects for the deepening and practicalization of music theory and composition practice, it provides an opportunity to present works to maximize the merit as a composer, focusing more on each student's diverse creative inclinations.