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College of Art and Design

Department of Textile and Fashion Design

"Creating creative design skills and talents"

  • Fine Arts Building (G) #215
  • 042-829-7941
  • 042-829-7951
Department of Textile and Fashion Design Introduction image

Department of
Textile and Fashion Design

Introduction of Department

The Department of Textiles and Fashion Design is a department that fosters professional human resources with understanding of both industries in cooperation by learning basic subjects and advanced courses required in the textile and fashion fields.

Educational Goal

Our goal is to train talented people who can lead various new designs by deeply learning various techniques and materials of textile and fashion design, and developing originality and creativity required by modern society.


Ist Grade

Learn basic modeling for textiles and fashion.

2nd Grade

Learn various techniques of theory and practice, and acquire digital programs.

3rd Grade

Understand and produce textile molding exercises and clothing components.

4th Grade

Specialize in planning and design skills for practical use.